The Cardiology Programme

Any cardiology patient between 40-65 (approximately) who has had recent stenting, surgery or a new cardiovascular diagnosis.
Book a 15 minute discovery call with team for more information.
Man working out on elliptical machine


Quality of Life. 
Investing in your health now has a life long value, improving lifespan and more importantly – health span.
Dr Mulvihill

Cardiovascular disease requires accurate medical management, but equally accurate lifestyle management.

I find that many patients lose confidence around appropriate exercise dosage and exertion levels.

The Cardiology Programme in Personal Health provides a crucial and clinical offering in this regard.

Dr Niall Mulvihill
Consultant Cardiologist, SVPH


for three months you get unlimited access to clinical expertise in
Person being health coached

Health Coaching

Male physical therapist helping to protect the hands of patients with patient doing stretching exercise with a flexible exercise band

Physiotherapy/ Rehabilitation

Female athlete in sports science lab measuring her performance and oxygen consumption.

Exercise Physiology

Man cooking food

Nutritional Guidance

Man running up steps


Typically suited for Cardiology patients between the ages of 40-65 (approximately)

Most cardiology patients are faced with a multitude of lifestyle challenges. 

The primal fear is typically around exertion levels and what is appropriate / what is dangerous?

How do I get my vitality and vigour back? Or is it even possible? 

This three month programme gives you clarity and reassurance around these exact issues and much more.

Unlimited access to our full suite of healthcare expertise.


Baseline assessment is data driven and shared directly with your Cardiologist, GP and any other relevant medical provider
Followed by 3 months of graduated and supervised lifestyle change
Followed by clinical reassessment and an optimised plan for your discharge
Book a 15 minute discovery call with team for more information.